Time for a little healthy dose of insult humor =).
Major Premise: it seems that most of the "annoyingly effeminate archetype" people that we can oh so dearly know are overachievers. Let's hypothetically "assume" that we had those in highschool and in college.
Minor Premise 1: An inferiority complex, in the fields of Psychology and Psychoanalysis, is a feeling that one is inferior to others in some way. It is often unconscious, and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to overcompensate, one of which often results to spectacular achievement. Unlike a normal feeling of inferiority, which can act as an incentive for achievement, an inferiority complex is an advanced state of discouragement, often resulting in a retreat from difficulties (Wiki).
Minor Premise 2: Alfred Adler (an Austrain Psychologist, and the proponent of Individual Psychology) classified homosexuality among the "failures of life." In 1917 he began his writings on homosexuality with a 52 page brochure and sporadically published more thoughts throughout the rest of his life. The Dutch psychiatrist Gerard J. M. van den Aardweg underlines how Alfred Adler came to his conclusions, for in 1917, Adler believed that he had established a connection between homosexuality and an inferiority complex towards one’s own gender (Wiki).
Conclusion: This further reinforces the common knowledge that these individuals, who are biologically male, may have questionable gender identities, and may have even more questionable sexual preferences, despite the fact that (for the sake of an argument) one "hypothetical individual" had a spring romance with a nameless woman, and another "hypothetical indivudual", had supposedly fallen for a lady batchmate *(see disclaimer). So what if it's vaguely true? Nothing, I'm just saying. I have nothing against them. =)
Now, so as to be fair to feminists and gay activists, let's use the "weightlifting jock" archetype that we could also oh so affectionally identify.
Conclusion? Klein Tottie Sindroom.
...Go find out the meaning for yourselves. =b
*Disclaimer: All I'm saying is that my major and minor premises are phenomenological facts. =)
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