Sunday, March 25, 2007

Summer Olympics

In lieu of the summer boredom, the boys here at the thirteen will be making our own mini-tournament of sorts, running from April to May. Matches against each other on various whatnots would be decided by races to thirteen, and these will often fall on weekly Frigays (or boys’ night outs, as opposed to Saturday with the girls). Weekly updates / standings will be updated accordingly. Other interested individuals who would like to make their own match-ups may opt to do so.

Eug vs. Dong, Toby’s shootout, best of 13 rounds.

Make way for the latest incarnation of Sega’s Bird vs. Jordan. Thirteen rounds of 30 second 3-point shootouts in Toby’s Glorietta will be held to definitively label who among the two can really play with their balls better.

Glen vs. P3, last pocket 8-ball, best of 13 racks.

Rods clash, balls smash, and the sweetest of strokes will be tested as carpeted holes await the pearl and the magician of the felt to show their stuffs. Sorry Pierre, since you’ll be the magician, I’ll have to knock your teeth off.

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