1.) A friend introduced me to an up and coming artist who's interests are photography and painting. I told her in private (in all earnesty and seriousness) if she would consider doing an ARTISTIC nude pictorial or nude painting session with me being the model. It was obvious that she was holding back her laughter while I had to think of something to fight my awkward situation at that moment. My best reply was..."So...."
2.) An offer came to me to supervise a mining operation in Surigao. The compensation is very good but its for three months in an isolated island the size of San Juan. The place has no cable T.V., no internet, no electricity and only select spots has a smart cellphone signal. You get to take a bath on the lake and you get to live along the shoreline and eat fresh seafood. I'm personally torn to accept this offer or not.
take the offer, take the offer, not that I want you out of here, but I think you'd be someone who'd enjoy the experience. :D
I'm confused. Are we talking about Wil taking the Surigao offer or his friend taking the nude pictorial offer (Oh sweet mother of God, the mental image is coming in!)?
So.... lol
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