Sunday, October 01, 2006


Your friend referred you to this website showing very revealing pictures of this celebrity you've been ogling at for years. But you just can't put it as your wallpaper on your desktop since mom might see it, or little sis might squeal on mom. So what do you do? You save it in C:\Windows.

How about this : You just downloaded the latest sex scandal and it involves your friend and you just have to see it. Where do you save it? C:\Windows.

It seems that C:\Windows has been the universal location to save your dirty stuff. Not in that silly My documents folder, or even the My pictures and My videos that nobody really uses. Its in C:\Windows. Why? Nobody else, especially the girls, would bother to look into C:\Windows. They would most likely look into the folder labelled with your name.

If you're a girlfriend/mom/sister who's reading this and suspects his man has hidden porn stashed in his computer be sure to check out C:\Windows first. Because I bet my bottom dollar 90% of the time its there.

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