Monday, October 30, 2006

Rainy day dossier

[Journal Entry: Mon Oct 30, 2006, 11:16 AM, here]

I love the city in the rain. The last of the second half monsoon rains is here; soft, on light wind, the sort of misty breeze that ruffles your hair like a playful little sister.

…If you have a little sister.

It’s those days where you’d spend the mornings quietly, by the natural light, and put your fragment of thoughts into writing.

Street children on the streets stop, now, to open their mouths, drink it down, cold and clean and fresh. You see them, and for a while, you contemplate about dropping everything and to jump right in with them.

Down the street, phonebooths, sidewalk screens, and smoke belched covered sidewalks are made new again by the water.

Don’t you wish that, for just one day, you could be that naiveté little sibling? That, for just one hour, you could play with those carefree street children? That, for just one second, you could be the rain?

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