Saturday, May 20, 2006

So dark the con of man

If the church is clamoring about something that's against the teachings of the Bible, why aren't they condemning the self-flagellating and self-crucifying people in the province? C'mon, think about it. The government's even promoting that annual quaresmal event as a tourism racket.

I'm talking about the movie verion of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code. The Philippine Church wants to ban it because it's blasphemous; the organization against Pornography here in the Philippines sees it as pornographic; local politicians are against it because it's against some revised penal code or something; and SM cinemas chose not to show the movie. WTF.

.. !@$# It's only a ‘friggin movie for God's sake.

But in contrast, what got me rolling on the floor laughing was when the national albino association got into the act and aired out their sentements on Silas' portrayal as being negative to the albino population (he's the albino dude in the story). It’s nice to see that albinos now have their moment in the sun.

Anyway, in retrospect, they should’ve banned the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe for featuring a talking Aslan, or Toy Story for depicting the alien plush toys worshipping the claw, if their line of thinking is like that. That’s how absurd it is.

Again, !@$# It's only a ‘friggin movie for God's sake.

ps. (postscript, not princess sophie. hehe) In case you're wondering, no, I'm not one of the haters, in fact, I really would like to see the movie adaptation. I just hate all the negative thinking that's surrounding the flick. I'll make a new post about it as soon as I've seen it.


Anonymous said...

manila banned the showing of Da vinci code, sm too haha...

they're so funny hahahaha those jokers whom people call as leaders

i'll buy pirated ones...

btw, i hope they express outrage for the upcoming gwen garci sex guide videotape


G said...

Hee hee. Saw the movie last night with stip, dodong and eug. I was entertained because the movie was able to visually present the story in ways that the novel couldn't. On the other hand, the character development between robert and sophie was magnified ten times.

I'll try to tell everything that happened last night (believe me, a lot of things happened. from g4, to rockwell, all around manila, to avalon, to joining melonie's slumber party, to watching the movie, to ponticello, to getting drunk in a minimart, to meeting stip's dad, and most important of all, to realize that eug's lovelife's now the talk of the town in the lim residence) all in less than 24 hours. lol. exciting, no?

peppericious said...

oooh i wanna hear that story