Monday, April 17, 2006

(I can't think of a title for this one so this entry will go without a title for now)

I'm chatting with this wonderful girl right now that I know from ADMU. Basically, she's the sweetest, most innocent, most down-to-earth humble person Christ loving person you can ever meet and I'm not exaggerating this a bit. She really tries to model her life after God. I've met a lot of people who claim such but in reality doesn't and that's from Jubilee alone. It also doesn't hurt that she's sooooooooo cute.

Anyway, I'm concerned about her right now. She's also chatting with three of the most sex-starved, weirdass, dirty people on the entire earth that constantly tries to show off that they are good people when in reality they aren't worth shit. To top it off, she's completely clueless about the true characters of these asswipes. My dilemma now is how to warn this girl off these opportunistic sexual predators.

The first guy - Big fat-ass that is fixated with porn. He's like 26 years old but still goes to admu just to check out chicks. Tries to score the younger sisters of his friends. Basically a soon-to-be D.O.M.

The second guy - Crappiest guy on the planet. His normal insults typically make girls cry and men wanting to get into fistfights with him. Nobody wants to be his friend.

The third guy - He reads this blog so I won't describe him. Just want to say fuck you man.

In addition, she also chats with a fourth guy that is on top of the weirdness scale. I also won't dwell further on him because he might also read this blog.

On the ideal grand scheme of things, I want to literally kick their asses now so that they won't hurt my friend.


G said...

Suddenly, our blog has become a Dear Abby syndicate.

Hmm. If you ask me, situations such as these leave no room for subtleties. Be frank and tell your friend straight on about those shmucks' ulterior motives - to get her into bed with them.

..then you kick their asses.

Opportunistic and self-serving rats who have no regard for the feelings of others do not deserve a single bit of courtesy and respect.

Remind me to spit on their graves when we're fifty.

G said...

i'd also gladly offer my medical services to castrate the first guy with a dull, rusty breadknife, lobotomize the second guy with the same knife, and what the hell, bludgeon the third and fourth guy to a pulp because i couldn't think of reasons to be mad with them about.