Sunday, April 23, 2006

Jubilean: a primer

Once in a while, when the topic demands it, when the situation calls for it, or maybe when there is simply a lack of anything useful to discuss, we all dwell into another world. This world should be avoided, yet we stumble to it every so often. This world is called the world of scholastic stereotyping.

You all have been in that world. It's when we talk about Xavierians and then one person makes it a point to call them smug assholes. Everyone.. and I mean everyone.. seems to know at least one Xavier student who fits into this profile. When we talk about Xavier, one person will go "oh, they're all assholes" and then like clockwork, another person will go "oh yeah, remember so and so? yeah he was an asshole".

Scholastic stereotyping affects every school. Girls from St. Paul are associated with.. er.. a white hanky (to which I've seen done to no result yet after numerous attempts), Girls from Assumption and Poveda are sluts, Icans are arrogant and carries the most superior complex around, anything south (IS, Brent, etc) are people who party too much and are high everytime.

Interestingly, to these "south" students, they seem to harbor a North vs South mentality, like there's a rivalry going on or something. Until I got to college, I didn't even know there was a north and a south. You hear it from Blueridge kids who'd go "that is such a North thing to do" and I'd just stare at them blankly. But I digress.

Anyway, back to the point, the question it seems, is what makes a Jubilean?

Now we can all expect biased comments here, but what is more important is we take a step back and judge our upbringing through Jubilee and make proper analysis. Any donk can say Jubilee is great because of so and so, but it's a lot more challenging to say Jubilee is great at so and so but it sucks at so and so.

So I'll leave it like this first to let it swirl in our heads before I put in my two cents.


G said...

I've never really gave that topic much thought before and much less now, but hmm lemme see.

The Jubilean Archetype

The show of respect, especially the use of the prefix auntie, uncle, ahia, atchi for your friends' mums and dads, as well as their siblings. good show of breeding and values. =)

Jubileans are somewhat conservative (well at least what i can see from our batch). When we were in highschool, only one (that I know of) smoked. No one (also that i know of) did drugs. Talk on sex and sexuality are taboo. We were simply reserved. This could also prove to be a negative thing (i'll talk about it in a while), but for me, it's a good value to uphold heh. I'm just traditional.

I remember people saying that Jubileans are good at Math. I guess I'm just one (make it two) standard deviation(s) away from the norm. lol.

The bond (with fellow batchmates). There's no single explanation for this, but the size of the batch and the culture are the primary reasons. Why do you think this group blog came about in the first place?

Tambay at your local fishball stand (or Binalot). Heh. That's not really a "positive" thing though. lol.

I don't know why, but when we were in highschool, we just hated Xavierians. I don't want to divulge into this one.

Being in a small batch, natural selection in relationships are prominently exhibited, and partly exhausted.

naivete. Remember the one that I said about being conservative? here's where it kicks in. Ignorance (from being too conservative) could prove to be embarrasing in situational conversations (turning red when people talk about sex, "huh? is that how you get HIV?").

(just ugly)"!"
The elitism. Glad it's gone when we were exposed to the bigger world. I blame the Filipino-chinese culture bigotry when it comes to racial elitism.

[pretty general descriptions for filipino-chinese students if you ask me. what are your takes?]

peppericious said...

Natural selection? Just reading that gave me a National Geographic image of animals mating in my head.


G said...

lol. I didn't want to sound like I was talking about meat. nagpapasahan ng babae at lalaki. heh that's just insensitive kasi.

G said...

remember the time where reverend xxx called me out in the middle of his sermon and scolded us for the rest of the hour because stip and i were clowning around? that was really humiliating.

good times. heheh.


oh yeah cool reverend who makes sermons about sex, but his wife's just annoying.

kickass pastor who's techno-savvy and talks about dragonball-z like some deprived kid. then, stoic wife. lol.

love has its ways.

G said...

Wil and I pala. I stand corrected. heh.