Sunday, April 30, 2006

It’s all about the big “C”

Courteous [adj. Pronunciation: 'k&r-tE-&s, British also 'kor- ]

1 : marked by polished manners, gallantry, or ceremonial usage of a court.
2 : marked by respect for and consideration of others
- cour•te•ous•ly adverb
- cour•te•sy noun

[taken from]

Allow me to take a few minutes of your time in sharing what irks me. Now, admittedly, I’m sometimes a pig when I’m in Jim’s place (sorry man). But more often than not, one tries to be the best gentleman that he could possibly be.

Yet despite that, inevitable instances of improper decorum will come up. Here are my top no-no’s that will surely get a violent response if you do so:

On cellphones: try to acknowledge one’s message try to introduce yourself when you call someone who doesn’t have your number.

On dining: let the ladies sit first not ever masticate with an open mouth not ever make noises when you masticate
[I will humiliate you if you do so] money on the table please

On relationships: be thoughtful above all else

On e-mails:
8.on group messages, do practice the utmost respect for your fellow members.
[Ah my, favorite. A show of arrogance is a sure-fire invitation for me to bludgeon you. Hehe, enough said.]

It's all about courtesy. I apologize if I’m honest with my feelings, sharing with you my pet peeves.

Now, what are yours?

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